Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Vertonen: An Intended Accident review

Frans De Waard shares some kind words about the final installment of the trilogy in Vital 1041: I think there is one typo, though, so I added (and bracketed) said change.
Also, a side note, the trilogy isn't really based on th Book of Lamentations: permutations of those texts were only part of the first release (Send the Call Out Send). (But, in hindsight, I could also argue that the ~ideas~ in/of the Book of Lamentations are thematic...heh!)

"As promised in Vital Weekly 1038 the third instalment of a trilogy based on the Book of Lamentations was to be released shortly, and here 'An Intended Accident' (again sixty-six minutes) is released in a similar package as the two previous ones, but also with a small envelope supplying the keys to the artcards found in every package in which Blake Edwards has made efforts 'at translating/transcribing related texts into three different ancient alphabets'. In the accompanying letter Edwards asks me to [not] reveal these keys and as much as I don't care about spoiler alerts (really don't), but all right I won't, but I thought these 'keys' were great! It's a bit like the mousetrap, the Agatha Christie play, in which the audience is asked not to reveal whodidit. It makes reviewing the music perhaps a bit more complicated, since I now have insider knowledge. 'An Intended Accident' is six parts, of which two at the end are a bit shorter. Music wise however Vertonen is still in the musical area I like to see him best, and that is of drone music. The single-source processing takes on many shapes but sounds like a near stasis of acoustic debris, with emphasis on the lower end of the sound spectrum. Quite spooky at that and very atmospheric, but also quite 'low' in volume. It reveals Vertonen's love for the Hafler Trio and Roland Kayn, but I think one should add Eliane Radigue to that list as well. The odd element here is the three sighs that audible in the music at various parts in the piece, but then singled out, to add more spookiness, perhaps. Maybe it's coincidence but when I reviewed the previous one is was a dark day in June and that is the same thing here today; maybe it is a sign? This release concludes a rather beautiful trilogy of works, and with a great 'secret'. (FdW)